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THUR 8AM-12:30PM 1PM-5PM
FRI  8AM-12:30PM 1PM-4PM


Feb. 13, 2025       Mason, TX & VIRTUAL   8am-12pm

Feb. 25, 2025       Junction, Tx                 9am-1pm

Mar. 1, 2025         VIRTUAL Only               10am-2pm

Mar. 14, 2025       Kerrville, TX                 8am-12pm

Edwards Central Appraisal District


    Welcome to the

Edwards Central Appraisal District Website


        Within this website you will find the forms and applications that the Edwards Central Appraisal District provides as well as the guidelines that govern the exemptions and special valuations.  This office is tasked with producing an equal and uniform appraisal roll as well as processing applications for exemptions and special valuations for properties within Edwards County. This is done for ad valorem taxing purposes in accordance to the State of Texas Property Tax Code. 

       Edwards Central Appraisal District is responsible for the fair market appraisal of properties within each of the following taxing entities:


Edwards County

Rocksprings ISD

Nueces Canyon ISD

Lateral Road

City of Rocksprings

Real/Edwards Conservation & Reclamation Dist.

Office Information

Chief Appraiser

Renn Rudasill Riley 

Physical Address

**located in the County Annex Building**

101 E. Main Street

Rocksprings, Tx 78880

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 858

Rocksprings, Tx 78880

Customer Service

(830) 683-4189 (office)

(830) 683-4193 (fax)


Our office will be closed on the following dates in observance...

Jan. 20, 2025.....MLK Jr. Birthday

Feb. 17, 2025......President's Day

March 3, 2025....TX Independence Day

April 18, 2025.......Good Friday

May 26, 2025.......Memorial Day

July 4, 2025.......Independence Day

Sept. 1, 2025.........Labor Day

Oct. 13, 2025.......Columbus Day

Nov. 11, 2025.......Veterans Day

Nov. 28 & 29, 2025......Thanksgiving

Dec. 24, 25, 26, 2025..........Christmas

Dec. 31, 2025....New Year's Eve


The Edwards Central Appraisal District would like to remind Taxpayers that the 2024 tax will become delinquent on FEBRUARY 1ST .

The Penalty and interest on all current taxes (2024 taxes) are assessed on February 1, 2025. Penalty and interest accrue at the following rates:


February   7%

March        9%

April        11%

May         13%

June        15%

July         18%

The taxes continue to accrue at a rate of 1% per month or portion of a month (for total of 18% in July), plus in July you will also pay an additional 20% collection fee which is applied to the base tax, penalty and interest.

The Edwards Central Appraisal District is subject to a bi-annual review by the Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.


“Tax Code Section 5.102 requires the Comptroller of Public Accounts to review each appraisal district’s governance, taxpayer assistance, operating procedures and appraisal standards, procedures and methodology at least once every two years.

The Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) performs Methods and Assistance Program (MAP) reviews of approximately half of all appraisal districts each year. School districts located in counties that do not receive MAP reviews in a year will receive a school district property value study instead.

The number of questions for each appraisal districts is determined based on a three-tier system based on population. Certain appraisal districts may be eligible for a limited scope review if they have received the International Association of Assessing Officer’s Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration.”  Methods and Assistance Program(


Sec. 25.027. Restriction on Posting Information on Internet Website.
(a) Information in appraisal records may not be posted on the Internet if the information:
(1)is a photograph, sketch, or floor plan of an improvement to real property that is designed primarily for use as a human residence; or
(2)indicates the age of a property owner, including information indicating that a property owner is 65 years of age or older.
(b) Subsection (a)(1) does not apply to an aerial photograph that depicts five or more separately owned buildings.

(Enacted by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ch. 29 (S.B. 541), § 1, effective September 1, 2005; am. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., ch. 337 (H.B. 394), § 1, effective September 1, 2015.)

"The Edwards Central Appraisal District is committed to providing excellent customer service and conducting its practices in accordance to the  State of Texas Property Tax Code".


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